Last Post of the Year

That’s a wrap. 2008 is over. It’s been a fun year. We started it off with my parents on New Year’s Day. Those who know me well were shocked when I made “the switch“.  Kyllan and I got to pretend we were famous… and then there was that whole Oprah thing (which we couldn’t talk about due to a Non-disclosure agreement. Click here if you are confused.) Kyllan attended her 10 year reunion; I skipped mine. We caught a few great movies. I got my hands on the hottest gadget of the year… or maybe Kyllan did. We enjoyed the Oplympic Games. We visited 6 countries (Vatican City counts too.) The site had a few technical issues. We were inspired and witnessed a historic event. The two of us discovered that we are hockey fans. You tried to follow along as we set fitnes goals (which we will resume posting about in the new year.) Kyllan and I hosted our first family event. And though Kyllan and I will be spending New Year’s Eve with some of her co-workers, I think Neil wrapped up this year nicely with his recent announcement.

Here is a link to my favorite photos of 2008 (on my flickr account)… Okay the first few are from late December 2007. Close enough.

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