Ithaca is Cold

Ithaca is Cold, originally uploaded by Kyllan.

So those that have been to Ithaca before know that Ithaca is known for having the “Ithaca is Gorges” shirts and bumper stickers everywhere. (by the way….if you don’t know what a gorge is, it’s synonymous with canyon and the ones in Ithaca usually have waterfalls throughout these canyons. It is actually very pretty…. when it’s warm that is). Anyway…. people are now creating spoofs of the “Ithaca is Gorges”. Above is a favorite of William and I. We think this best defines Ithaca. While I was there this past weekend, the high on Saturday was in the low 50s and the low was in the 30s… IN MAY!!!!

One thought on “Ithaca is Cold

  1. Actually, my favorite is the “Ithaca is Gangsta” Shirt. And Kyllan gave the wrong definition for a Gorge. A gorge is the giant hole in the ground people in Ithaca jump into because it is so depressing there. The had to barbwire on sides of the bridge that cut through Cornell’s campus to keep people from climbing over… It didn’t work… Ithaca got warm?

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