Upgrades, schools and posters

How do you guys like the new site banner? I am running out of things to add. I think a Cody Report icon for the address bar will be next. Maybe next weekend. It appears I owe my father an apology. He did in fact post his pictures from the reunion on his flickr site. He also removed some of the more graphic photos of his trip to Haiti, so those with a weak stomach can now take a look.

In other news, I somehow missed the Newsweek report on the top U.S. High Schools. Check out #5. It’s seems Stanton has slipped since my days as a Blue Devil. (It was still ranked #2 as late as 2003)… I could spend hours discussing my opinions on why Stanton is dropping, but I will save that discussion for when it falls out of the top ten. The #1 school is in Dallas. This list is made up of only public schools. I’ll leave it up to Kyllan to speculate where Hockaday would be on a private school list. The last person from Dallas that asked me where she went to high school let out small whimper and gave a look of awe when they heard the name.

You heard the story in a previous post. Below is a picture of my ASM poster. After conferences we put old posters in the hallways of the department. If you would like to hear about the research, give me a call.

ASM poster

5 thoughts on “Upgrades, schools and posters

  1. Sorry about the injury, but that is HILARIOUS!!! Was Luke visiting you or something?
    That sounds like something he would do! Hey do you remember how to make Pip’s dry ice
    worm??? Dry ice in a New England BioLab box top, a little dishsoap and warm
    water — worm!

    Here I was thinking that there was a centrifuge accident or something (which would have
    been MUCH cooler JK! LOL!)

  2. It wasn’t hilarious at the time… You’re right, it’s pretty funny now. I made the worm the next time we got bored. I don’t think I will be making the bombs again… Oh, the centrifuge accident was last year. We will be leaving that rotor behind in the move.

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