Drip, Drip, Drip…

It rained Wednesday, and we know what that means!!! More water damage for William. The water is actually getting into the air duct for the restroom and dripping right out of the vent. It is also seeping through the ceiling in the bathroom and utility closet (pictured right). The apartment complex doesn’t seem to think this is a big deal. (They have repaired this leak twice before.) I called them before I went to work on Thursday to remind them to empty the bucket catching water when they came to survey the damage. Of course I came home to a floor covered in water and my downstairs neighbor is now complaining about water leaking into his apartment. It only took them three months to “repair” this leak after Katrina. I wonder how long it will take them this time… Did I mention that rent is cheaper in Denver? The boss is actually in Denver this weekend house hunting with his wife. They are planning to stop by a few apartment complexes I found on the web and let me know what they think. I am not planning to go down until later this year.

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