
As many of you know, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year. The diagnosis occurred before I started the blog and while many of you inquired about her health in e-mails and phone calls, I have never discussed it in a post. I asked my mother to send me an e-mail about her treatment so that I could post it to the site and she could tell everyone in her own words about the progress she has made.

Hi William,
I was diagnosed with breast cancer on April 13, 2006. Chemotherapy started May 1. I finished chemotherapy on August 7. I have been on immunotherapy for one month and have 11 months to go. I will be having several weeks of radiation sometimes during the immunotherapy. When radiation starts, it will be 5 days a week. My chemotherapy was once every two weeks. My current treatments are once a week. I’m hoping the oncologist will change my treatments to once every 3 weeks soon. This will mean that I will get 3 times the Herceptin that I’m getting now but only once every three weeks. The toxins should be out of my system in 4-5 months. I look forward to seeing all of my side effects from the chemotherapy disappear. I have been very fortunate not to have had severe side effects and I have been very blessed to have so many caring family members and friends supporting me through this.


Thank you to all my friends and family for your continued support. As my mother’s treatments continue, I will post updates on her progress to the blog.

9 thoughts on “Treatment

  1. Betty,
    I’m glad you are doing better. It was a joy to share the week with you and Bill in Dallas. Shopping for the dress, cake tasting and looking at all of the beautiful flowers was exciting and challenging. Hope to hear from you soon.

  2. Your mother was pleased that you asked to share her status in your blog site.

    Sign your favorite fan;


  3. We, here in Cleveland,Ohio, are praying for you and we are happy to here that you are doing better. Looking forward to meeting you and your husband this Thanksgiving.

    Love, Linda and Gene Curtain

  4. My mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on April 18, 2006. She’s 5 sessions into her Chemo. What a hard, devistating word……CANCER! My thoughts are with you, your mom and the rest of your family.

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