Williams Reunion Wrap Up

The Williams family’s 30th reunion has come and gone. My mother has 5 brothers and 3 sisters, so once you add in my cousins and their children, the family is pretty large. As Kyllan said, this year at the reunion we celebrated my grandmother’s 90th birthday. I have added an overwhelming number of pictures from the weekend to my flickr account.

The reunion included such highlights as a never ending slide show that, despite never ending, contains none of the pictures you sent to be included and the infamous “teens night out.” (I feel comfortable making the slide show comment because the cousin that put the show together will never visit the blog, even if I sent him a sent a link in an e-mail that he would not return containing more pictures he would not look at. No. Even if another cousin visits the site and tells him about this comment, he still won’t visit. No, not even after this comment.)…A long, long, long time ago my older cousins were teenagers and while the adults had a meeting to discuss family business, they went out to a movie or bowling. I wasn’t allowed to go, as I was too young. Flash forward to reunion #30 and the thirty something year old cousins now have their parents baby sit while we go out. (Last year we got to the point where a parent and child went because a baby sitter could not be found.) They refuse to refer to it as “cousins night out,” however. Things never turnout the way we plan. It’s just one of the unique bonding experiences that come with the reunion. Previous nights have included being locked out of a bowling alley, mid-night freeze tag on a children’s play ground, and simply spending the entire night in the lobby trying determine who was going and who was riding with who. This year we made it about a block before one of my cousins was involved in a car accident while driving his girlfriend’s car. We ended up standing on the side of the road for a few hours while they sorted everything out. We never made it to the bowling alley. The 15 of us ended up eating at I-HOP before returning to the hotel and calling it a night.

3 thoughts on “Williams Reunion Wrap Up

  1. Thanks William for sharing your photos. I really enjoyed viewing them. It is too bad that it was such a busy weekend that we never posed for pictures as we usally do of each of my siblings with their own families and me and all of my siblings with my mother, as well as all of our offspring in a group shot. We really enjoyed having Kyllan join us. Now she has met both sides of the family and says the wedding is still on. Sandra, William and Kyllan did have seperate hotel rooms even though it might not be obvious from the photos.

  2. Don’t worry William another cousin won’t tell the other cousin about your comment. 🙂

    I missed the posed pictures, too. It almost needs to be on the schedule.

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