Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend

As Kyllan told everyone in her post, my parents and I spent Thanksgiving with Kyllan and her family. (When I say her family, I mean her family. There were around 30 people at her parents house on Thanksgiving.) The weekend also included a surprise engagement party. Kyllan and I were told that we were going to a surprise birthday party for her cousin’s wife. We were probably socializing for about 15 minutes before we were told the surprise was on us. The next night Kyllan and I went to one of her cousin’s house to watch the Wake Forest vs Maryland game. It wasn’t long before more cousins showed up. We ended up playing board games late into the night. It was a fun trip and it was great to get to know Kyllan’s cousins better. Now we won’t all be a bunch of strangers at the wedding.
There are plenty of pictures on my flickr account. Kim N., Kyllan’s sister, has also posted some pictures to her flickr account.

6 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend

  1. The Cody parents really enjoyed the weekend. Everything was great; the food, the hospitality, and all the new friendships. What a great family!

  2. I am glad that everyone had a good time. I certainly enjoyed having William and his parents there. I also wanted to thank my mom, sister, and aunts who coordinated the surprise engagement party. They put a lot of time and work into coordinating the surprise. It was great to be able to celebrate with family and friends. It was also great to eat molten lava cake!!

  3. I am so thankful that everyone made it to Cleveland and back home safely. It was great having Bill, Betty and William in our home for the holiday. What a great fellowship. I just wish we could get together every month. Cleveland/Flordia/Texas/Denver. I know that our daughter is marrying into a wonderful, caring,loving, family. I count it a blessing to have William as our future son-in-law.
    You can eat at the dining room table anytime William. P.S. (first two years) then down in the basement with Rob.

  4. Nikki, Molten lava cake is a chocolate cake with a hot fudge center. You know you found a place that serves a good one when the fudge oozes out like lava from a volcano when you first dip into it with your spoon. It is usually served with ice cream. When Kyllan and I were broke grad students at Cornell we use to eat at home and have one of these at Applebee’s for dessert. Our favorite restaurant in Dallas, Grande Lux, also has a molten lava cake and it has quickly become our tradition to stop by and share one when ever I am in town.

    Mrs. Brown, can we at least get TV to watch the game?

  5. Nikki… If you come to Dallas for the wedding, I will make sure you get to try one of the best molten lava cake’s William and I have tried. It is an absolutely wonderful dessert. When the fudge comes flowing out like lava, you know you have found a winner. 🙂

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