The Brazile Brief

Our good friends Kyle and Joscelyne “Jos” Brazile have decided to start a bolg, The Brazile Brief. They made a few post earlier, but had a few kinks and lost them. Everything is running smoothly now and I encourage you to stop by. I promise this will not be a repeat of the now defunct “Lewis Report.” The Braziles will be posting regularly on “curent events and conversations that take place in [their] home.” Fittingly, their most recent post is on the Bears win in the NFC Championship game.

Speaking of Neil, he has taken a step backward in technology and now claims to be starting a new blog, “The Neil Lewis Chronicles.” And since I am telling everyone about blogs; My not so anonymous cousin has moved her blog “This is My Heart” to “Slowly Emerging.”

You can find links to all of these blogs in the right hand sidebar under “Friends & Family”

8 thoughts on “The Brazile Brief

  1. Speaking of blogs… the side bar panel now has the links displayed like the rest of the page, not like the way you set it up. Yay 🙂 I don’t really know how it happened, but hey I’m happy

  2. @Neil. You know, the guy playing the Mac comes off as pretty annoying in those commercials. (Since when has plugging a webcam into a usb port been a major upgrade that required an IT specialist?)

    @ Medobsession: The new version of wordpress just came out. It automatically loaded to your server. A lot of little things, like what was going on with your sidebar, were fixed.

  3. William, I have to agree with you about the Mac guy. (I think that you remember how much I LOVE Macs!) The commercials just crack me up. To me, Mac is just making fun of itself! Like the C++ one (Mac gives PC a photo book and PC gives Mac the C++ book.) Sorry, but I want a computer that is smart enough to make a photo book and use C++. I’ve made some pretty nice photo books with my PC and also some pretty snazzy invitations! And HELLO we had a web cam on our PC YEARS AND YEARS ago! Long live PC.

  4. I really have nothing against PCs, I just having been using Macs since high school. I actually never used anything Microsoft until college. I LOVE MACS. I will always have one, no matter how much Will trys to persuade me otherwise. I just like to get under Will’s skin a little.

  5. By the way, Will I don’t know why I’ve been thinking about this, but do you remember the time Jamaal, you, and I broke into the photography classroom to develop pictures for our final project?

  6. No, but I remember letting ourselves in after the stupid photography teacher told us that she would leave the classroom unlocked for the next 48 hours and didn’t. Yes, the same one that approached me a year later and accused me of writing her a bad review. (She said it looked like my handwriting. She didn’t have a response when I asked her when did she have the opportunity to see my writing in a photography class or why she was approaching me about a confidential review… Don’t worry I informed her that while I didn’t like her, thought she did a poor job with the class and was sure I didn’t write anything positive, I did not write the review in question.)

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