100 days until the wedding!!

Only 100 days to go and I am definitely getting more excited with each passing day, although I will say I am even more excited about what happens beyond day 100 as William and I start our new life as a married couple. I was able to attend the wedding of my linesister, Courtney, over the Memorial Day weekend and it was beautiful. I had a great time witnessing the marriage of two people who love each other so much and spending time with my crazy but wonderful linesisters again!!(I posted pictures on my flickr account). It is kinda weird to see ourselves and our friends getting older and getting married, buying homes, and having children (congrats Joscelyne!), yet extremely exciting as we venture out into “new territory”. I wish everyone much success, courage, and happiness as we take those bold steps.

6 thoughts on “100 days until the wedding!!

  1. I am so excited about Kyllan becoming a part of our family. The anticipation gives me something to smile about each day. Thanks Kyllan for giving family and friends a chance to share the joy!

  2. Cake $$
    Iivitations $$$
    Wedding Gown $$$$$
    Photographer $$$$$$$$
    Flowers $$$$$$$$$$$
    Transportation $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    Wedding reception $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    Gaining a wonderful son-in-law, priceless.

    We love you William, and welcome you into our family. You make our baby girl smile without ceasing. She loves you dearly, and I can see you love her too. You fit right in. We are so excited and prayerful as we all count down the days to “The Day”
    Dad and Mom Brown

  3. Thank you. Kyllan does a pretty good job of making me smile too. Did you get the DVD I sent? What did you think? I’ve heard reports that there was a spelling error somewhere. Let me know if you would like me to resend it with a correction.

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