… And We’re Back

If you tried to come to the site the past 2 days you probably saw all sorts of wired messages. I am sure no one is interested in the technical details, so long story short, we’re back. (No, it wasn’t something I did. The former host screwed something up. The site is now being hosted by another company.) A few things are still a little wonky. I will fix those over the next few days. Since the entire site was essentially deleted from the server, I had to restore all the old post and comments from a backup I made a few weeks ago. The post about my shiny new bike and the comments about my nephew Drew one day getting a motorcycle are gone. Sorry. The site may disappear and reappear over the next 48hrs as the DNS updates. Please let me know if the site starts doing anything else weird the next few days.

13 thoughts on “… And We’re Back

  1. Glad it’s back. It’s become part of my morning reading routine along with the Times and USA today.

  2. How do you back up posts? Does my site do that automatically since it’s free or do I need to save it somewhere separate? I’ve been going for a while and I’d hate to lose all those posts!

  3. Cherie, I’ll give you a call about back ups. There are a few options you can take.
    Neil, I’ll leave that up to the hosting company to decided if they use PC or Mac servers. I only prefer that they know what they are doing… and no, this isn’t a good time to endorse Macs; Apple stock just fell after the release of the iPhone initial sales figures showed sales were a quarter of what was predicted.

  4. Thanks for once again defending me Nikki! I would gladly make a post, but I don’t know what to make a post about. My life has been consumed by a full day at work followed by a full night of wedding stuff. I am open to suggestions on topics.

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