Jaguars Win!

I kept meaning to make a football post this season but never got around to it. In case you missed it, the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Dallas Cowboys  both made the playoffs this year. (There seems to have been some confusion, so let me make this clear: I always have and always will be a Jaguar fan. Kyllan is the Cowboy fair weather fan.) I meant offer everyone the chance to declare their support for the Jaguars before they defeated the Steelers in the AFC Wildcard game. Because I am feeling so generous after their win, the offer still stands. Join us now, or be considered bandwagon jumper when the Jaguars go all the way. (Pittsburgh natives, this means you!)

For my friend that fell asleep during the game, here is the recap.

3 thoughts on “Jaguars Win!

  1. I hadnt always been a fan but I’ve been saying this season that they were the team to watch. And that was a great game last night.

  2. I can verify that Will has always been a Jaguars fan. He had the license plate on the ol’ minivan in college. I will always be a Falcons fan. Please, stop laughing (or crying). But, I do pull for Jacksonville, because I would hate to see how grumpy Will would be if they didn’t win.

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