After a long day…The Cosby Show

To say work has been busy would be a serious understatement. Most days when I get home, I simply want to veg out on the couch (or in my case… the oversized chaise lounge in our family room is my favorite “veg out” spot). Most times I look for light-hearted comedy or something I don’t have to think about to much after a full day of analyzing things. One of my favorite shows to watch and what I consider to be the best show ever to come on television is the Cosby Show. One day, I noticed that You Tube had clips from several of my favorite episodes. There are two episodes that I really consider to be my all time favorites that make me laugh so hard that I cry. One is the Gordon Gartrell episode where Denise tries to re-create a designer shirt for Theo. The other is the episode I like to call “eh mon!” where one of Denise’s dates really gets into the reggae song on tv. Click on the links to enjoy for yourself. I promise it will make you laugh and make you temporarily forget about your long day. I love the Cosby Show!! 🙂

6 thoughts on “After a long day…The Cosby Show

  1. Sometimes silly is good, sometimes silly is very good. I like both of those episodes and I also rank with them the one with Rudy singing background with Ray Charles on “You Know the Night Time is the Right Time” (“Bay-baay!”)

  2. I like that episode also! The anniversary episodes were always good. I always wanted to know how they were going to top themselves from year to year.

  3. (“night and day”) That was my favorite too,Aunt Betty. I like the ones you mentioned Kyllan–classics. There are so many good ones. Did you watch A Different World? I loved that show!

  4. William and I talked about this in lab way back when! ONE of my favorite epi. is when they get a new couch and Cliff spends the last 10 minutes of the epi. “saying goodbye” to the old couch. I laugh just thinking about it. (William said that he had never seen that one!)

    There are so many that are my favorites. My mom actually gets angry when new shows come out that (in her words) try to “be like The Cosby Show.”

    We are always happy to see “Kenny” pop up in random sitcoms too!

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