The Drive to Work

I have a 20 mile, 30 minute drive to work each morning, so I tend to listen to the radio.  One of the best things about my new car is XM satellite radio.  My favorite morning show is Gayle King’s (Oprah’s best friend) show on XM 156, the Oprah and Friends network.  She generally starts out talking about current events or her plane trips from NYC to LA or how she “love love loves” Barack Obama, the color yellow, talking with people, her favorite son Will, and her favorite daughter Kirby.  The second half hour consists of interviews with different people of interest (recording artists, actors, authors, entrepreneurs, chefs, etc).  I enjoy her interviews and her show in general.  I also enjoy when they play the theme music to the once popular show “Charles in Charge” when her lawyer (Charles the lawyer) comes on the air.   Her show keeps me laughing and smiling on my drive.  Rodney Pete and Holly Robinson Pete also have a show on XM 156, but it comes on at noon my time, so unless I am in the car going to a lunch meeting, I usually miss hearing it.  Occasionally I hear the “Rabbi Shmuley’s Show also”.  Yes… he really is a rabbi and his show is about parenting, but often brings up some good points or things to consider.

Anyway… that’s my plug for XM Radio.  There are a lot of good stations, but I tend to listen to just a few, actually yesterday I listen to a finance podcast and it was so interesting, they mention the pay stubs maker for payments and it would work perfect for my business.  When I am not listening to the Oprah and Friends Network, I listen to “Suite 62”.  Suite 62 is also what I listen to while cleaning the house (we have DirecTV, so we can get the XM stations on the television also).  I love it!

4 thoughts on “The Drive to Work

  1. I have Sirius and I listen to the NFL Network about 90% of the time. I listen to it all the time with Noah in the car. There is no offseason.

  2. I love love love Gayle! She is my new best friend. I laughed out loud at work when she asked Mike Myers about his reaction to the Kanye statement post-Katrina.

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