Wedding Bells and Storks

I think I officially feel “grown” now since the mail these days frequently includes “Save the Dates”, wedding invitations, and baby announcements (not from relatives, but from high school and college friends). The trend of weddings and births is definitely in full swing. Here is he summary:

2006: 1 wedding, 2 births

2007: 7 weddings (including ours), 2 births

2008: 4 weddings, 1 birth, 2 pregnancies

2009: 1 wedding (already set) and I am sure more to come

It’s pretty much an even split between William’s friends and my friends, yet William is having the hardest time adjusting to us getting older. He will still be saying, “I can’t believe Neil has a kid” at Noah’s high school graduation.

2 thoughts on “Wedding Bells and Storks

  1. This is so true. This year will be interesting since I have to squeeze in going to 3 weddings, a baby shower, and going to all of my residency interviews! I don’t know how I am going to afford all of this.

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