Michelle Obama

I hope you were able to watch Michelle Obama’s speech on the first day of the Democratic National Convention, but if not, you can read the transcript by clicking here. She delivered an excellent speech that aimed to pull at the emotional heart strings of mothers, daughters, wives and the general person in pursuit of the “American Dream” regardless of their race, or background. Her words were very uniting and outlined the struggles she and Barack have overcome and the successes that will allow Barack Obama to be the next president. You could tell how emotional it was for her and the passion behind her words. I was truly touched and found myself wiping the tears away. As a daughter and a wife and a future mother and someone who as a young, African American woman has “beat the odds”, it was just so easy to relate to. I felt really proud to be watching history unfold.

I did listen to what some of the CNN analysts said about the first night being too “soft” and not directly targeting McCain, but I think it was so much more powerful and dignified to focus the attention on Barack Obama and why he should be our president versus why McCain should not. I think Donna Brazile and Hilary Rosen supported the tone of the evening, but some of the other analysts felt it should have been harsher.

Anyway… I look forward to the rest of the convention and am even sadder now that we did not get tickets to Barack’s speech later this week.

And by the way… wasn’t the satellite video exchange at the end between Barack and his two daughters so cute!!

Below is my favorite excerpt from Michelle Obama’s speech:

“And as I tuck that little girl in and her little sister into bed at night, You see I think about how one day, they’ll have families of their own. And one day, they — and your sons and daughters — will tell their own children about what we did together in this election. They’ll tell them how this time, we listened to our hopes, instead of our fears. How this time, how this time, we decided to stop doubting and to start dreaming. How this time, in this great country — where a girl from the South Side of Chicago can go to college and law school, and the son of a single mother from Hawaii can go all the way to the White House — that we committed ourselves, we committed ourselves to building the world as it should be.” (that’s where the tears starting rolling)

EDIT: Beow is a video of Michelle Obama’s speech

7 thoughts on “Michelle Obama

  1. Kyllan, I couldn’t agree with you more! Her speech had me tearied eyed, too. I was struck by how emotional I was during her speech & I realized it was becasue I could absolutely & completely relate to her (especially when she talked about growing up w/ parents who didn’t have much but worked hard & poured all of that hard work & love into their children so they could have more–that sounds so much like the story of our parents doesn’t it?) & it ocurred to me how powerful it is to have a woman positioned to be our next First Lady that I can relate to & how I’ve never had that before. As a mother & daughter her speech hit such a cord w/me when she talked about growing up in a world where she had so much love that she was free to just “be”. I am so thankful that I have parents that raised me the same way & strive to share that same unconditional love with my girls. How exciting that my two daughters will have the opportunity to grow up seeing two little girls in the White House who “look like them!” What a message that will be sent to them about the possibilities that exist for them!

  2. The audience’s reaction during Michelle’s speech was priceless. Michelle certainly touched a lot of people, including me. I would smile every time the camera showed her mother because I identified with her mother and could feel how proud she was of her daughter.

  3. Robyn- It would be great to see kids in the white house!

    Mrs. Cody- I am surprised Michelle Obama’s mother held it together, but you could definitely tell how proud she was. I also saw several people in the audience who were truly touched by her words.

  4. I was very touched by this whole week. I’ve never really watched a Democratic Convention and I was glued this week. Michelle Obama’s speech had me teary-eyed, and Barack Obama had them definitely rolling at several different points. I really hope that he’ll make it to the White House!

  5. Michelle was simply awe-inspiring. Finally, I felt…someone who spoke our words from our own heart. It was as if her words were my thoughts. I’m so glad to have been able to witness this high point in American history and only wish that people like Grandpa and Big Ma could have watched alongside me. Somehow, I know they did.

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