Photo Next to Your Comments

The real reason for the recent redesign was to take advantage of some of the newer features of wordpress. One of those features is the ability to add a photo next to your comments. A few of you have asked how to do this. There are two options… I think. The first option is to sign up for a gravatar account here. All you have to do is upload a photo and associate it with an e-mail account. When you enter that e-mail when commenting on the blog the photo will show up.  If you happen to have a facebook account, the second option is to sign in to the blog using facebook connect. The sign in is at the bottom of the right hand sidebar. Just enter your facebook credentials and the photo from that profile should appear when you make comments… Not having a facebook account, I haven’t actually tested it. It should work, but I am not making any promises.

11 thoughts on “Photo Next to Your Comments

  1. For me it initially didn’t post my pic, but then I guess it pulled up my picture through my automatic WordPress account with Gravatar. I’m guessing, but since I don’t have Facebook connect, then I guess that must have been it.

    Either way, I like the pictures. Makes it more personal for the commenter 🙂

  2. If you have a facebook account you can sign in using facebook connect. Of course then you would have no choice but to use your real name. I happen to be anti-facebook, so no complaints from me if you don’t use it.

  3. OMG! Are you really anti-facebook!? You are my hero. THat is music to my ears. We are anti facebook here and we get A LOT of grief for it (from every angle of our lives!) It totally freaks me out and honestly, if someone really wants to get in touch with me they will.

    I hope that you will remain steadfast in your ways (unlike the whole Mac situation!) 😉

    Thanks for telling us how to do the avatar — now I have to go find a picture!

  4. Yes, I am anti-facebook. I didn’t mention it in the post for fear of the same “grief” you have received. Isn’t having a blog enough? Does anyone really want to read my update?… “William is sitting in the lab,” “William is still siting in the lab,” “William is still still at the lab.” Wow, that would be some good stuff.

    1. It looks like I have something I need to fix on my end for the facebook connect thing to work. In my defense, the instructions are either in spanish or written by someone who speaks english as a second language. This may be more trouble than it is worth…

  5. I see Neil’s picture in the box down below…

    Yeah, I may use my facebook log-in for some of my posts where I use my actual name and don’t link my website. I’ll just have to make sure it’s not a club pic!

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