Super Bowl Ads

Who would have thought that the Super Bowl would actually be better than the ads! The ads were lackluster again this year, but there were a few that I enjoyed. Which ads made your list? Catch ads you may have missed below and see our favorites below that.

How could you not like this one?

Kyllan LMAO

I thought this was funny

By far, this was our favorite

and just because (w/ scene by scene break down here)

12 thoughts on “Super Bowl Ads

  1. I thought the E*Trade ads were good…that baby is hilarious. The Cash4Gold and that one career builder ad were also funny.

  2. I missed that CareerBuilder one. That was funny. I think I would put that as my favorite. We liked the E*Trades one with the baby singing something about stretching his wings.

  3. I definitely enjoyed the game more than the ads this year! One ad that stuck out in my mind was the Cheetos ad with the pigeons swarming that lady for the cheetos she dropped on the ground.

    As for what you posted above, Carl is a “Trekie” (sp?), so we’ll be seeing that moment the day it comes out. We went to the Star Trek Experience, this whole exhibit with old costumes and everything, when it was out here in Long Beach.

    1. That would be “Trekkie,” with 2 Ks. I was trying not to get to excited, but the closer it gets, more I can’t stand to wait. I’m trying to convince the boss to let us al skip work to it.

  4. The commercial won by a landslide in my book. The right hook to the coffee-sipping koala bear sent me over the edge!

    1. It had me with the woman riding the dolphin. Whenever I get stressed, I imagine being back in Turks and Caicos. The koala was just icing on the cake.

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