Random Post

Sorry, we’ve been post less frequently than we would like. The two of us were been pretty busy this past week. Don’t worry, Kyllan is still cooking her one recipe a week and we are both still finding time to make it to the gym and meet our fitness goals. So… here are a few random things:

  • I was able to snap a few shots of Kyllan laughing so hard that she started crying while she was in Denver a few weeks ago. (#16 on her 25 Random Things.)
  • A fire covering 20 acres occured in a field across the street from my apartment today. The field use to be part of the emproachment zone for Lowry Air Force Base and is now a golf course. I got a little nervous when the wind shifted, but the fire department got things under control and no structures were damaged.
  • I recently finished reading Watchmen and now consider myself a fanboy. For the past 2 decades  film adaptation had been referred to as “unmakable.” Well, the film came out this past weekend. Though I am already disappointed about some of the changes the studio made, I’m very excited about it. I plan to go see it with some coworkers this coming weekend. (I’ll spare you the fanboy rant and simply say that Watchmen made Time Magazines All Time Top 100 Novels, the only graphic novel to do so. It’s that good.) The trailer is below. Admittedly, if I had not read the graphic novel, I would likely  think the trailer was really strange and it probably would not motivate me to see the movie.

5 thoughts on “Random Post

  1. You’ll have to update us about what you thought about it. My bf and I saw it in IMAX on Sunday. Interesting… to say the least. Not the typical superhero movie, but I figured that even without reading the graphic novel.

    1. Is he a fan of the graphic novel? I didn’t see it this past weekend because my coworkers said they wanted to see it this weekend… now they appear to be backing out.

    1. …artwork on every page? Think comic book, but longer. The distinction is in the length of the work and and literary devices within. It’s not just a coined term to make the reader sound more intellectual. Sort of like: short stories < novelettes < novellas < novels = comic strips < comic book (technically a magazine), comic book series < graphic novel. In both cases, these terms are often misused. If a comic book were a single episode of a TV series, than a graphic novel would be a mini-series or movie. Not a crime of the week, with the occasional "to be continued" or B storyline that crosses multiple episodes like you may find on a program like CSI , but a self-contained complex story featuring complete story and character arcs.

  2. Got it. Thanks, that was a very helpful description, and I suppose if I had clicked the link first I would have had a better idea as well. I like comics, I might have to give it a shot. I’ll peer through it at the library first.

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