25 Random Things about Kyllan

Well… we already know that one of the main bloggers on this site is not a fan of Facebook, but I have enjoyed the opportunity to reconnect with old friends, even if only to say hi and see where they live now and see pictures of their kids.  I said I would never join Facebook, but I actually like it and can stay connected with a few people I would not otherwise.  One of the most popular notes on Facebook, which once upon a time traveled around on e-mail is the “25 Random Things” note.  William suggested I post mine on the blog for all the non Facebook members.  So here it is…perhaps you will learn something new about me.  Perhaps my husband will write 25 random things about him… perhaps not. 🙂

25 Random Things about Kyllan

1. I have never had a pet before (not even a fish).
2. I have the same middle name as my mother and sister. My daughter will not share a middle name with her mother, grandmother and aunt.
3. I am a very organized person at home. My closet is color coded, and also sorted by tanks, short sleeve, ¾ sleeve, long sleeve, sweaters… in that order. In my pantry… all the labels are facing out so I can read them. My DVDs are in alphabetical order. I do not consider myself obsessive/compulsive… just a fan of order.
4. I have to create lists for myself to stay on task and make sure I get things accomplished. I will not feel good about my day unless I get something crossed off the list.
5. My husband is one of the most intelligent people I know, and that is not just because he chose me for his wife.
6. Babies make me smile and for that one split moment… I think….awww… I want one. But… we are not ready for kids, so we are going to wait a little longer.
7. I have started trying a new recipe each week and have found I really enjoy cooking. I wish I had the opportunity to cook more.
8. If I were not in my current occupation, I would want to travel the world, take photographs, and write for Foder’s or Frommer’s or some sort of travel guide.
9. My husband and I dream of owning property in Turks and Caicos and somewhere along the South Coast of France.
10. I dream of going back to Turks and Caicos or the southern coast of France at least once a day.
11. I was born in Cleveland, but raised in Texas and therefore consider myself a Texan.
12. I frequently lack thirst… I can go almost all day with nothing to drink. I do not drink coffee and am not really addicted to soft drinks or anything like that. I know this is not good for me and am working on drinking water more frequently.
13. I LOVE sweets… soft baked cookies, brownies, Italian Cream Cake, Carrot Cake (as long as it is moist), molten lava cake, Lindor truffles… wow… I am completely addicted.
14. I hate cold weather and seem to frequently be cold. I wear socks to bed year round b/c my feet are always cold… like ice cubes… seriously.
15. I wear size 11 shoes. So does Michelle Obama.
16. I cry when I laugh, even when I am not laughing that hard. I just produce a lot of tears.
17. I am becoming more and more of a “home body” (mainly b/c my job can be exhausting at times and I just want to veg in front of the tv)and am perfectly fine with that.
18. I like to write in blue ink.
19. I have to take a shower every morning, even if I took one the night before. It is like my coffee. It gets me going (at least for about 30-45 minutes).
20. I set my alarm to go off at least 15-30 minutes ahead of when I need to wake up on purpose so that I can snooze. I have been known to snooze for over an hour, but I know that absolute latest time I can sleep.
21. I try to head to bed by 11pm, but it is typically closer to midnight or later that I actually make it there.
22. I like for all my clocks to be synchronized with the atomic clock in my kitchen. The clock on the microwave, oven, IPOD dock, etc… MUST be the same.
23. I hate being late. I often am late running to meetings throughout the day, but I really don’t like to be late.
24. My mother and sister are extremely creative and have that Martha Stewart like trait. I did not get that trait.
25. I have not lived in the same city as my husband since December 2003. We have been happily married for 18 months. We are only apart b/c he is finishing his PhD program in Denver. Absence does make the heart grow fonder and b/c of the distance, we talk constantly and never have time to argue. I can’t wait until we are in the same city…which should be very soon.

9 thoughts on “25 Random Things about Kyllan

  1. Still not a fan of facebook. You may have noticed that the facebook connect login is gone. This was done in protest to facebook’s new terms of service policey (which they have already changed due to all of the backlash) that claimed they had rights to any content on any website featuring a link to facebook… Watching Kyllan tear up as she laughs at her own jokes is one of life greatest joys (see #16).

  2. Showers are my coffee too! I love that analogy! I thought that I was the only one who took a shower before I went to bed and then again when I woke up!

  3. Wow, I LOVE these things…you learn sooo much! I wish showers were MY coffee instead of the coffee I drink on a daily basis. I swear I’d be 5’10” like my sister if I hadn’t started drinking it at 14!

  4. I organize my closet so I can find things. It is just too hard to find what I’m looking for if I don’t.

  5. Yes… showers are great. I am at home sick today and I just took a shower and already feel a little better. Organized closets are a must b/c I tend to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to wear, so the more organized, the better.

  6. +1 on the showers, lack of drinking coffee, and snoozing (I actually set my clock 1 hour and 15 minutes early. Drives Tami crazy, but I get Noah dressed in the morning and she gets to sleep late) My closet is organized, too, but Kyllan that’s a bit scary. 🙂

  7. What’s with you people? Alarm clocks? I don’t use an alarm clock. I get up when my body says get up. This is one of the benefits of working someplace where lives are not a stake and there are no children to get ready for school. I don’t drink coffee. Never have.

  8. We don’t use alarm clocks either. We have an 18 month old that is the best alarm clock you could ever have. 5:45 – 6am.

    No coffee here either. We have the $10 coffee pot for when relatives come!

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