9 months

Dear Laurel,

Another month has quickly gone by and this week you turned 9 months old!  Only 3 more months until your turn 1 and I can hardly believe it.  Over the weekend, you met a new milestone… crawling!!!  You have been doing what daddy refers to as the “military crawl” for several weeks now, but just this weekend, we noticed that you pushed up and can now support your weight and crawl.  Now that you have learned to crawl, you are moving all over the place.  Another milestone for you was that you graduated to the Infant 2 room at daycare!  You went from being the oldest in the room to being the youngest, but you seem to be fitting in great.  I was a little bit nervous because we had become very comfortable with the teachers in Room 1, but Room 2 has some great advantages.  First, all of the babies in your new class are crawling, so it encourages you to move and “explore the world”.  I’ve also noticed that the teachers seem to spend more time interacting with you and your classmates on the floor, which is great.  You are adjusting to your new classroom very well, so that definitely makes me feel a lot better.

You are still enjoying food although you still seem much more interested in paper and non edible items.  You haven’t quite figured out what to do with table food yet.  We have put a few things in front of you, but you tend to play with them or just stare, you haven’t been very interested in eating table food.

You are sleeping much better recently and have had a couple nights of sleeping through, but it’s not consistent.  I thought last week perhaps you were teething and a tooth would emerge and I could say that was the culprit of the , but still no teeth.

Your favorite things at 9 months are:

  • Music… You love it!  You try to dance and sometimes “sing” along
  • Bath time… you splash your hands in the water as hard as you can and get water in your eyes and all over mommy
  • Rolling over… especially when you are on the changing pad and we really need you to be still
  • Crossing your ankles… you cross your ankles 99.99% of the time (in the carseat, stroller, on the floor). It’s actually pretty cute

People at daycare are constantly telling us how happy you are and you definitely are.  Today when you came home, you were smiling and giggling… it was so much fun to watch!  I hope you always remain this joyous and I certainly look forward to the fun the next few months will bring!

I love you!


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