Still, Still Here

The Codys have had a lot lot going on recently, and unfortunately that has resulted in us neglecting the blog. I am declaring an end to that neglect. We will be posting more frequently around here, starting with this post and a Halloween post soon to follow.

The real reason we have been so busy is that we recently moved. It was no secret, but we never really talked about it on the blog. We are the process of building a new home that is closer to both of our work places. A few weeks ago we sold our old home and moved into an apartment while we await completion of the new one, which we should be in by the end of the year. This process of looking for and buying a new home along with selling our old one has sucked up so much of the little free time we had, especially keeping the old one ready for showings.

Laurel has done great with the move and seems to adjusted to the new daycare, though we miss her old teachers. She has grown so much in the past month. At her 15 month checkup she was in the 92 percentile with height. Her vocabulary is growing everyday as well as her ability to effectively communicate. She now uses a combination of single words, sign language, and gestures. She just had her first dentist appointment and is working on her 4th tooth.

I uploaded pictures from my parents’ visit to Dallas about a week ago. I hope some of you found them. If not, here is a link. We were still settling in to the apartment during their visit, so please excuse any mess.

Laurel with Granddad and Bebe
A new favorite photo
More to come


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