
It’s been a busy few weeks for the Cody household.  We moved into our new home last weekend, Laurel is growing like a weed and turned 18 months this past Thursday and my belly has certainly grown in the past few weeks as well!

I’ll start with Laurel.  It’s pretty amazing to watch her grow and develop.  She seems to say or do something new everyday.  She is talking and babbling much more these days and loves to repeat what you say.  Her vocabulary has expanded, so she is able to communicate basic needs to us.  It was no secret that she loves music and dancing and it seems she is singing a lot more these days.  Her daycare sent home a CD of songs they also sing at school and she loves to sing a long.  She still loves Elmo and singing with him and she also still loves her books.  She went shopping with daddy today and bought a potty chair, so I guess we will begin potty training soon.  She has her 18 month check-up this week, so I guess we’ll see more specifically what we should be working on.

We FINALLY closed on our new house last Friday and moved last Saturday and are quickly adjusting to life in our new home.  To have all of our belongings out of storage and having room for Laurel to play is really refreshing.  We love having space to spread out although we were pretty covered in boxes until the last couple days.  I finally got the kitchen unpacked last night and my mom came over today and helped unpack more of Laurel’s toys and items for the upstairs bedrooms and linen closet, so we have more “livable” space now.  Tonight I am going to try to finish unpacking in the bedroom and closet.  A few days ago it felt like we would never be done unpacking, but I am finally seeing a light.  I think the fact that William’s spring semester at school started this week and I had a busy work week with 6am meetings on two days and a 7am event to attend this morning complicated unpacking.  We were both too exhausted to really do much.  I stayed up much later than I should have trying to get things unpacked, but the pregnancy definitely makes it difficult to go too crazy.  My swollen ankles quickly brought me back to reality, but I also really want to feel more settled before I get too much further into the pregnancy and we switch gears to prepare for Cody baby #2.  So far though, we love the house and the community.  We were invited to dinner by one of our neighbors and will have the chance to meet other neighbors as well, so hopefully William and I can become more social and meet new friends on this side of town.  We are about 40 minutes away from where we used to live, but the location is great.  We are 15 minutes from the airport, 20 minutes from downtown, 12 minutes from William’s job and 30 minutes from mine not to mention close to many more amenities than we used to be, so it feels great!

On to baby news…..

We found out the sex of the baby!  I will try to scan a picture to post tomorrow, so you’ll have to hold out for one more day.  William wasn’t able to accompany me to the ultrasound that day, so the physician printed the image with the sex of the baby and sealed it in an envelope.  Later that evening, we went to dinner and ended with dessert and the big reveal.  I will say that everything seems to be progressing nicely and he baby appears to be healthy and growing on schedule.  I am 22 weeks and have been feeling pretty good with the exception of some major sciatic nerve pain that has been bothering me, but probably because I have been doing a little much lately with the move and packing and unpacking.  Hopefully that will go away soon.

Well… my break is over.  I am going to doing a little more unpacking before going to bed.

More to come…

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