It’s a Boy!!

Yes… I was supposed to post the day after my last post, but the move and the pregnancy have worn me out.

As you can see from the title of this post, IT’S A BOY!!!

William and I were shocked to find out it was a boy.  I think we were both expecting we would have another girl, but it’s great that we’ll have one of each!  William wasn’t able to go to the ultrasound appointment I had for the gender scan, so the physician printed the images with “boy” written on it and sealed it in an envelope for us to open later once we were together.  I have to admit it was hard to go all day without opening the envelope.  We decided to go to dinner at one of local favorite restaurants and when the dessert was delivered, we opened the envelope and saw “BOY” and I think both our mouths dropped open in surprise.  Laurel decided to closely examine the ultrasound photos herself to see what all the fuss was about, but she still doesn’t understand the concept of a baby brother.  It was an exciting time.

We are slowly but surely getting ready for the baby, but feel we are so much further behind where we were in planning when I was pregnant with Laurel.  We purchased so many items by this time in the pregnancy with Laurel.  We finally ordered furniture 2 weeks ago, but we still have a few more items to purchase for his room.  Our stroller converts to a double stroller with a rumble seat, so that takes care of that.  We are also able to use the same infant seat we had for Laurel.  So, I think we at least have the major items out the way.  Now it’s just baby essentials like diapers, wipes, clothes, and other room decor.  William has agreed to decorate the room again this time, but I have offered to help him.

We do not have a name picked out yet, but are taking suggestions!  We have a few names on the short list, but are still having a hard time.  We were interested in “L” names or “W” names so perhaps he could have William’s initials, but at this point, I think we are exploring everything.

Well… that’s the update for now.  I am trying to multitask and watch the State of the Union address as well. 🙂





One thought on “It’s a Boy!!

  1. Congratulations Kyllan and William….I’m SOOOOO excited for you and very much looking forward to seeing Laurel and my newest cousin at the family reunion. But, of course seeing pictures until then is the next best thing…thank you guys for sharing it has been fun watching Laurel grow up (love the dancing video).

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