Elliott is 2 months old!

Ok, yes… I am late with my 2 month post for Elliott, but it has been a busy week.  We just returned from a quick family vacation to San Antonio last week, which was great (except for the traffic on the way back to Dallas on Sunday).  More on that in another post.

Another month has zoomed past and Elliott is already 2 months old!  His is growing by the minute it seems.  He had his two month check-up yesterday and he is 13 lbs, 12 ounces (79%ile) and 24 inches long (87%ile), so he is a very healthy boy.  I can’t believe that he is already in size 2 diapers and starting to bust out of his 3 month size clothes.  The new development this month is that he has begun to smile! 🙂  He started smiling over the 4th of July weekend and smiles a lot throughout the day, which is so rewarding when you are exhausted and just makes your heart melt!  The photo below shows him cracking a little bit of a smile.

He is sleeping a little bit better and I am occasionally getting the 3 1/2 hour stretch, so I will take the improvement from every 2 hours.  He will start daycare in a few weeks as I prepare to go back to work, so I am hoping he will have longer stretches in the near future.  I know Laurel slept better once she started daycare since she was up more during the day than when I was at home with her.

Laurel still enjoys being a big sister and seems to take her role very seriously.  She loves to help calm him down when he is crying by singing the alphabet and other songs to him.  She also likes to help give him the pacifier back when it falls out his mouth although we are trying to help her understand she does not need to wake him up and shove it back in his mouth if he has fallen asleep.  She is also still learning to be gentle with Elliott and not poke him so much, but I think he is used to it by now.

Its funny to see the similarities and differences between Elliott and Laurel.  I read the post I made when she turned two months and just like his sister at 2 months, 2 month old Elliott enjoys bath time, sucking on his fists, can easily break out his swaddle and is a loud sleeper (lots of moans, groans, and humming).

I am sad to realize that our daily bonding time is coming to an end in just a few short weeks when I return to work and I am trying to figure out how I will balance being a working mom of an infant and toddler, but I am sure I will quickly discover a routine that works.  I think it will just mean cooking meals on the weekend for the entire week and learning some crock pot recipes.  Recommendations and suggestions from you super moms and dads out there are much appreciated!

Well…. I need to wrap up this post so I can get some rest.  Tomorrow is a VERY special day… Laurel’s second birthday, so much more Codyreport news and photos to come!!!

Elliott Two Months



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