Super Bowl Ads

Who would have thought that the Super Bowl would actually be better than the ads! The ads were lackluster again this year, but there were a few that I enjoyed. Which ads made your list? Catch ads you may have missed below and see our favorites below that.

How could you not like this one?

Kyllan LMAO

I thought this was funny

By far, this was our favorite

and just because (w/ scene by scene break down here)


This is completely random… One of the things that Kyllan and I want to do this year is keep a closer eye on our budget. The economy is killing our dreams of early retirement. I recently started using quicken online and really like it. With just your account information, it automatically details out your spending over the past several months and generates different charts showing spending trends. It uses those trends to setup budgets for categories like entertainment or dinning out and an overall budget. It will keep track on how well you are sticking with that budget as the month goes on. I don’t want to sound like an infomercial, so I will stop there. I like it, so I thought I would share… It’s free.

Photo Next to Your Comments

The real reason for the recent redesign was to take advantage of some of the newer features of wordpress. One of those features is the ability to add a photo next to your comments. A few of you have asked how to do this. There are two options… I think. The first option is to sign up for a gravatar account here. All you have to do is upload a photo and associate it with an e-mail account. When you enter that e-mail when commenting on the blog the photo will show up.  If you happen to have a facebook account, the second option is to sign in to the blog using facebook connect. The sign in is at the bottom of the right hand sidebar. Just enter your facebook credentials and the photo from that profile should appear when you make comments… Not having a facebook account, I haven’t actually tested it. It should work, but I am not making any promises.


I was going to make a random post just to prove that this has not become a cooking blog, but instead I think I am going to talk about the inauguration. Are you taking off from work to watch? Unfortunately I will be watching from the lab. For those of you in a similar situation, this site has a lot of options for watching coverage online. I will probably go with the CNN Live option. Now, I am going to go out on a limb and embed a live stream via Hulu below. Beware; the stream is from FOX News, of which I am not a fan. Just trying to give some options.

The Cody Report 2.0

You may have noticed that things look a bit differently around here. Welcome to the Cody Report 2.0 . I’ve been wanting to update the site for a while now and the new year seemed like a good time to do it. Not only do I think the redesign looks cleaner, we’ve added a few new features too. While we dumped the picture in the header for a rotating picture over the sidebar, the contents of the right hand sidebar remain the same; You can still find links to all of our Flickr accounts, blogs run by friends and family members and or favorite sites. Post now feature avatars next to the comments. You can also thread comments now (respond specifically to a particular comment.) There were a few new features I decided to leave out after testing. I am looking for alternative ways to implement those ideas, so don’t be surprised if you see a few more features turn up over the next few weeks.

What do you guys think?


Kyllan and I are ready to make our New Year’s resolutions for 2009. Our first is a combined effort; We plan to go to the gym 3 times a week and to lose 3 pounds a month. Kyllan recently changed gyms and is pretty serious about these goals. (There is even a rumor that we will be going to the gym today.) I, on the other hand, may have some trouble. We postponed the fitness updates in November, but we will resume in February with an update of how things went this January.

Kyllan also plans to try one new recipe a week. I think she may eventually run out of steam on this one, but then again, she seems much more serious about cooking since Thanksgiving.

I plan to go to bed by 11pm 5 nights a week. This may not seem like a big deal to many of you, but I ususally stay up until 2 or 3am. The lack of sleep has really started to take a toll on me. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish in the lab this year and I want to begin each day fresh and alert.

Last Post of the Year

That’s a wrap. 2008 is over. It’s been a fun year. We started it off with my parents on New Year’s Day. Those who know me well were shocked when I made “the switch“.  Kyllan and I got to pretend we were famous… and then there was that whole Oprah thing (which we couldn’t talk about due to a Non-disclosure agreement. Click here if you are confused.) Kyllan attended her 10 year reunion; I skipped mine. We caught a few great movies. I got my hands on the hottest gadget of the year… or maybe Kyllan did. We enjoyed the Oplympic Games. We visited 6 countries (Vatican City counts too.) The site had a few technical issues. We were inspired and witnessed a historic event. The two of us discovered that we are hockey fans. You tried to follow along as we set fitnes goals (which we will resume posting about in the new year.) Kyllan and I hosted our first family event. And though Kyllan and I will be spending New Year’s Eve with some of her co-workers, I think Neil wrapped up this year nicely with his recent announcement.

Here is a link to my favorite photos of 2008 (on my flickr account)… Okay the first few are from late December 2007. Close enough.