Election Day Plans

Kyllan and are very excited about Election Day. Kyllan voted early. I requested a mail-in ballot, but what has now become a widely publicised issue and conspiracy theory in Colorado resulted in me receiving the ballot to late to send in. I now plan to drop my ballot off in person on Monday to avoid long lines on the 4th. It looks like Kyllan may be attending an election day party. I, on the other hand, will likely end up watching the results at home. What are your plans for election day? Did you vote early? Are going to the polls on Tuesday? When and where are you planning to watch the results come in?

Site Issues

You may have noticed that the site has been experiencing some issues lately. It appears that the people at the company that host the site are incompetent. I am trying to let them resolve them issue, but I am quickly losing hope. Don’t worry, The Cody Report will always be here. The blog is one of our favorite was to keep in touch with friends and family. If I have to change host, I have to change host.

October 27th

Today would have been my sister’s 31st birthday. Here is a link to a page on which I discuss what is being done to preserve her memory. I’ve already shared several photos of my family form when I was a young child, so below i have included a family photo form 1996. The picture was taken at the Marriott in Memphis at the banquet honoring my grandmother’s 80th birthday. Below that is a photo of my parents with Mrs. Fontenot and Sarah at the scholarship dinner were the Caroline A. Cody memorial scholarship is awarded. Mrs. Fontenot gave a generous donation to the scholarship fund. Sarah, a close friend of the family, was this years recipient… I turned off comments for this post. If you would like to share any memories or thoughts feel free to contact me or my parents.

We would also like to say happy 1st anniversary to our Friends Maya and Jamaal! Can you believe a year has already passed?


I spent the weekend with Kyllan in Dallas. We are always looking for something new to do, so Kyllan got tickets to a Dallas Stars‘ game on Saturday. The plan was to stay for a while and then head to the State Fair of Texas, but something strange happened when we got to the arena… we enjoyed our selves. Apparently Kyllan and I are hockey fans. Who knew? The Stars lost, to the Colorado Avalanche coincidentally, but it was a really good game. We had to look up some of the rules in the program guide, but it didn’t take us too long to figure out what was going on. This was Kyllan’s first hockey game, I attended a game as part of my recruitment trip to Cornell, and the first time either of us had been to the American Airlines Center. We did eventually make it to the fair, but we didn’t stay too long. Kyllan also took advantage of my time in Dallas to show off her Wii fit skills.

Random Post #8

I visited Kyllan in Dallas this weekend. As usual, we had a great time. I just got in a few hours ago. When I have a little more time I will post some pictures and tell everyone all about it.

If you have had problems with reaching The Cody Report the past couple of days, don’t worry, it’s not just you. I’m trying to solve an ongoing problem with my host. It should be resolved in a few days. If you find that the site is down, please try again in a few hours.


We really are going to make more post about the trip. We’ve both just been busy since we got back. I don’t even remember getting home last night and it’s already about time to head back in.

In the meanwhile, if you have not already, go register to vote! The deadline to register in time for the November elections is quickly approaching for many if you. Here is a site with voter information for every state.



It’s hard to believe, but our 1 year anniversary is quickly approaching. What are we doing to celebrate? This Thursday Kyllan and I will be joining my parents on a trip to Barcelona and a Mediterranean cruise. Kyllan has had a busy month at the hospital and it is always stressful at the lab, so this trip could not have come at a better time. We will be sailing on the Norwegian Gem with ports of call in Valletta, Malta; Naples, Italy; Civitavecchia (Rome), Italy; Livorno, Italy and Villeranche, France. Our anniversary falls on the day at sea. As you see, we will be pretty busy. I don’t know how feasible it will be to upload photos and make post while at sea, so sharing may have to wait until we get back. I may make a few post that will auto post while we are away.


I was so excited when I heard that Obama would be giving his speech to accept the nomination of the democratic party at Invesco Field. I rushed to sign up for tickets. Well, that feels like months ago. The party finally announced their plan to distribute tickets, and it didn’t sound to promising. Still, Kyllan and my parents were ready to make last minute plans just in case things worked out… Things didn’t work out. I am actually a little angry about how the whole situation played out, but I won’t go into that here.