The date is set. I defend my thesis November 20th.
Category: Announcements
Kyllan and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary on September 8th. We kicked off our celebration on Saturday with a couples massage at the Ritz Carlton, where we stayed over Labor Day weekend. We have both been pretty busy with work recently and both of therapist commented on how tense we were. Sunday we tried to take a tour of the Cowboys new stadium. When we arrived at the stadium at 11am we found a packed parking lot. Tours were scheduled to take place until 5 pm, but we ere turned away at the door and told they had already sold out for the day. Oh well. Maybe we will get a chance to see the inside of the stadium during a college game. I don’t think we will be paying Jerry Jones prices for Cowboys’ tickets anytime soon. Sunday night we to see D.L. Hughley at The Improv. As expected, we had great time. As usual, Kyllan laughed so hard she cried. Monday we just relaxed, and of course, were devastated by a last minute FSU loss to Miami. Okay, Kyllan enjoyed a close game that came down to the last play. I was devastated. Tuesday we celebrated our anniversary with dinner at The Place at Perry’s. The food and service were excellent. It definitely makes our list of favorites and we will be returning.
See pictures from our weekend here.

September the 8th
September 8th: A History Lesson
1565: St. Augustine, Florida, the oldest city in the continental US is founded
1900: The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 makes landfall
1935: US Senator Huey Long is fatally shot on the steps of the Louisiana Capitol Building
1944: The first V2 rocket hits London
1945: In response to Soviet troops, American troops arrive in Korea in order to partition the southern half of the peninsula
1966: The first episode of Star Trek airs
1974: President Ford pardons former President Richard Nixon for any crimes he may have committed
1986: The first Oprah Winfrey Show airs
2007: The wedding of William and Kyllan Cody
Pinkberry Comes to Dallas!
William will be shocked to find that I made a post. I have been a stranger to blogging lately, but not on purpose. I have been busy traveling to family events on weekends and then my mom was in town for a couple weeks visiting (now that she is a retired woman with no schedule), not to mention I am adjusting to my new job… which is going very well, but leaves me mentally exhausted at the end of the day from my mind trying to absorb everything! So I have been vegging out on the couch the past few nights and falling asleep there as well.
Anyway… as you can see from the title of this post, the reason for the post was to share my excitement that Pinkberry is coming to Dallas!! I was reading news feeds from Google Reader today (which William will also be excited to hear), and I saw the article on the Dallas Business Journal that Pinkberry announced they would be opening a Dallas location in November! You may remember how I raved about Pinkberry after my visit to LA a few months ago.
For those in Dallas, there are a few knock-off versions in the area, including Orange Cup at the Galleria, but none quite compare to Pinkberry in my opinion. The new Pinkberry will be in the Preston Royal Village. Sprinkles and Pinkberry right down the street from each other… oh my… William and I are in trouble!!! I wish Pinkberry would open a location in Rockwall.
Speaking of treats, William is officially a fan of Five Guys Burgers and Fries. We both had our first Five Guys experience (made popular by President Obama and First Lady Michelle) a couple months ago in Denver and he is hooked. I have not been in a while, but it is muy delicioso!! They do have a Dallas location at the Galleria, so I am sure William and I will make a visit from time to time on our way to Pinkberry and Sprinkles. Yes… I will stop at both 🙂 Only if I eat healthy and make it to the gym every day that week to create a deficit for my indulgence!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DAD, and my cousin Tyler and my college roomie, DeeDee!!!!
Kyllan and I would like to congratulate our good friends, Neil and Tami, who welcomed the arrival of their second child this past weekend!
Happy Birthday
I want to wish a happy birthday to my beautiful wife, Kyllan. Unfortunately I was not able to make it to Dallas, however, there will be a belated celebration in Jacksonville this weekend.
One of Us
Finally! Kyllan now has an iPhone. Well… sort of. Her company phone is now an iPhone. I have been amazed by how much she likes it. She spent the weekend trying out a bunch of different apps; Some which I recommended and others she found on her own. For the iPhone users out there, which apps do you like? My favorite apps are listed below.
WeatherBug: Weather Forcast (Kyllan prefers AccuWeather’s app)
Tipulator: calculates how to split the check & tip for a large party (at $0.99, it is my only paid app)
USA Today & Mobile News: News
Yelp: Location based restaurant guide and reviews(Kyllan perfers open table, which I haven’t used yet)
Flixster: Location based movie times
iPhlix: Netflix queue management
Lose It!: Meal Diary with a nice graphic user interface.
Tripit: Trip itinararies from , which I think is a great site.
Bloomberg: Stocks: It’s more advanced then the deafult Apple stock app
Amazon:’s app. I like to compare prices when I am out and about
Make Over
A few days a go Kyllan called me very early in the morning to tell me her mother was going to be on the news. Apparently Cleavland Fox8 provided makeovers for local principals. The video is below.
Random Post
Sorry, we’ve been post less frequently than we would like. The two of us were been pretty busy this past week. Don’t worry, Kyllan is still cooking her one recipe a week and we are both still finding time to make it to the gym and meet our fitness goals. So… here are a few random things:
- I was able to snap a few shots of Kyllan laughing so hard that she started crying while she was in Denver a few weeks ago. (#16 on her 25 Random Things.)
- A fire covering 20 acres occured in a field across the street from my apartment today. The field use to be part of the emproachment zone for Lowry Air Force Base and is now a golf course. I got a little nervous when the wind shifted, but the fire department got things under control and no structures were damaged.
- I recently finished reading Watchmen and now consider myself a fanboy. For the past 2 decades film adaptation had been referred to as “unmakable.” Well, the film came out this past weekend. Though I am already disappointed about some of the changes the studio made, I’m very excited about it. I plan to go see it with some coworkers this coming weekend. (I’ll spare you the fanboy rant and simply say that Watchmen made Time Magazines All Time Top 100 Novels, the only graphic novel to do so. It’s that good.) The trailer is below. Admittedly, if I had not read the graphic novel, I would likely think the trailer was really strange and it probably would not motivate me to see the movie.
The Lab
I had a manuscript accpeted in the Journal of Bacteriology today. For the former co-workers reading the blog, I’ll link to the PDF when it is published. Also, I uploaded some photos of the lab to Flickr.