So today was the “weigh-in” for the 10&10 challenge I wrote about in a post last week. I have been weighed and measured and ready to work out and eat healthy foods only for the next 10 days! Ahh! Those who know me well know that I love sweets, pizza, and chocolate, so this will truly be a challenge for me, but I feel good about it and am excited to get started. I am more excited about getting motivated about getting back in the workout mode, so I will be happy regardless of the results. Below is a picture of my weigh in buddy, Kacy (pic on the left) and also of Kacy and I with Jackie, one of the Turbo Kick instructors and the facilitator of the challenge (pic on the right). In order to keep William from banning me from blogging out of fear I will turn the Cody Report into a “girly blog”, I will not post daily updates. 🙂 I will just do a post after 5 days and then at the end of the 10 day challenge. Besides, who really cares how many celery sticks I ate or how I resisted the temptation to eat that chocolate chip cookie! Here we go….