Movies and Television

Just in case some of you were looking for movie suggestions, I thought I would share my opinions of the movies Kyllan and I saw last weekend. Iron Man was great. It was the rare comic book movie done well. I had been concerned that it was going to be a little too sci-fi for Kyllan and was shocked to see how much she enjoyed it. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an excuse to go to the theater, even if you don’t consider yourself a fan of the sci-fi/ comic book genre. Forgetting Sarah Marshall was laugh out loud funny. Probably the best comedy I’ve seen all year.  It is from the same guys who made 40 year old virgin, Knocked up and Superbad. If you liked those movies, I think you would like this one too. ( I don’t think I wouldn’t recommend it to my parents.) Baby Mama was very funny, but I would still suggest the other two over it.

Finally, I was also  able to convince Kyllan to watch the (re-imagined) Battlestar Galactica mini-series with me. She doesn’t want to admit it, but she enjoyed it. At some point I will get her to watch the regular television series. She just might be on the verge of becoming a sci-fi fan. I think I am going to try and get her to watch the Firefly pilot next. (She is not ready for Star Wars or Star Trek yet. She tunes out whenever aliens appear.)

Along with Kyllan and Kim, the Cody Report also had a birthday. Two years old. Kyllan didn’t even know what a blog was when I first bought up the idea.

Oh, and just for comparison with the previous post…

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