Random Post #5

Sorry for the lack of post recently. Kyllan and I have been extremely busy the past couple of weeks. There hasn’t been much going on for me outside of the lab. Kyllan will be in town this weekend. We were thinking about going up to the mountains, but it looks like an experiment is going to keep us in the city. Any thoughts on must see movies in theaters or on DVD? I posted a few photos form her last visit on my Flickr page.

We have a couple of new links in our friends and family section. One of Kyllan’s line sisters started a blog a few months ago: Balancing Act. Also, the Brazile family has decided to restart their blog the Brazile Brief.

Really Late Video

Wow! I can’t believe that 5 months has already passed. No one has seen it, but Kyllan and I really did take video during our honeymoon. Below is a tour of suite at the Regent Palms in Turks and Caicos. We have more video of us by the pool reflecting back on the wedding, but I haven’t done anything with the footage. I’ll try to get the rest of the video out by 6 months. (Sorry, I’ve been busy.)

Cribs: Honeymoon Edition from William Cody on Vimeo.

Random Post #4

Sorry for the lack of post, I’ve been extremely busy in the lab recently. (I am actually in the lab right now.) Next weekend Kyllan will be in town. I have no idea what the two of us are going to do. There doesn’t seem to be too many good movies out right now and I don’t know how much sight seeing we really want to do in this weather. (It was in the single digits when I came into work this morning.)

New Year’s in Jacksonville

As Kyllan mentioned, we spent New Year’s in Jacksonville. We arrived on Thursday the 27th and had dinner with my parents. On Friday we attended an annual ball thrown by the Kappas, Deltas and Omegas called “The Gala.” Saturday Kyllan’s parents arrived in Jacksonville and we attended the wedding of a high school friend of mine. Sunday my parents hosted a holiday reception where Kyllan and I were the guest of honor. On Monday my parents hosted a New Year’s Eve party for an organization they belong to, which has become a yearly event.

We had a great time in Jacksonville. Due to the blizzard last year, it had been over two years since I had been back. It was amazing to see how much has changed. As you can imagine, the weekend was packed. I got to see a lot of old friends, Kyllan meet a lot of new faces and we got to spend time with both sets of parents. The reception my parents threw was wonderful. My mom really wanted to give friends who were not able to make it to the wedding in Dallas to have a chance to meet Kyllan. So many of the of the people there I hadn’t seen in years. Even for those that did make the wedding, I see them so seldomly and talked with them so briefly, it felt like it had been years. Being in Jacksonville also gave the seven of us (me, Kyllan and both sets of parents and my grandmother, who was visiting for the holidays) the chance to bring in the new year together. Pictures from the weekend are on my flickr photostream.

Jaguars Win!

I kept meaning to make a football post this season but never got around to it. In case you missed it, the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Dallas Cowboys  both made the playoffs this year. (There seems to have been some confusion, so let me make this clear: I always have and always will be a Jaguar fan. Kyllan is the Cowboy fair weather fan.) I meant offer everyone the chance to declare their support for the Jaguars before they defeated the Steelers in the AFC Wildcard game. Because I am feeling so generous after their win, the offer still stands. Join us now, or be considered bandwagon jumper when the Jaguars go all the way. (Pittsburgh natives, this means you!)

For my friend that fell asleep during the game, here is the recap.

Welcome 2008

Happy New Year Everyone! 2007 was a year filled with ups and downs.

We saw the blog turn 1 year old 

We saw good friends and family members succeed in their academic endeavors

We saw prayers answered again and again

We saw some awesome birthday presents

We saw good friends marry

We saw our own relationship hit the 5 year mark

and of course, we  married and had a beautiful honeymoon

We will make a post about  the amazing last few days of the year shortly. Christmas pictures are up on my flickr photostream. 2007 was a wonderful year, but Kyllan and I feel 2008 will be even better.


I am finally “all but done.” Usually this means that a graduate student is done with course work and can focus on research for the rest of their graduate career. It also means that they have officially been admitted to candidatecy. (If you want to get all philosophical, it marks the transition from a consumer of knowledge to a producer of knowledge.) Me? I’ve been done with course work for a long time, but two transfers, a hurricane, a “special student admission” and a laboratory move created a unique situation. It doesn’t matter now. Simply put, it’s all downhill from here. Pretty soon I will sit down with a committee and we will determine just how much more data I need to graduate.

For those that don’t know, here is the story. I transfered from Cornell before reaching the point I could take their exam. At TU I was missing one course; It ended the semester before I arrived and was only offered every other year. Hurricane Katrina hit at the beginning of the semester the next time it was offered. I finished my course work at UT Southwestern, where my lab temporarily setup after Katrina. A year later, after returning to a barely functioning TU that had completely restructured its’ graduate program and couldn’t decide how to proceed with qualifying exams, my lab moved to UCHSC. As a condition of my transfer to UCHSC, I had to take their exam, which consisted of two parts: a written exam based on coursework and a grant proposal and defense. The fact that I didn’t actually take any of their coursework only made it more interesting. I took the written portion this past summer and defended my proposal this past Friday.

Another Trip to Haiti

You may recall that my father is involved with the St. Boniface Haiti Foundation. Below is a picture of him being carried across a washed out road to get to the Hospital in Fond Des Blancs, Haiti.

“The Haiti trip was my second. I did not know that November is rain season. We got caught in the after affects of tropical storm Noel. pronounced “Noll” It took two days of ground travel to get to the Hospital because of road conditions and flooding. We did 13 cases in 2.5 days. We lost 3 of our surgical days to traveling. The Haitian people were very grateful for our surgical services.” -William, Sr.