Six Months

Today Kyllan and I celebrate 6 months as man and wife. It’s so amazing how fast the time has passed. We’ve shared so much and there have been so many memories. I’ll save all of that for the anniversary post, it’s a bigger deal. Today, though, I’ll share more video we took while on our honeymoon. Here is the two of us discussing the ceremony.

Wedding Reflections: The Ceremony from William Cody on Vimeo.

Video from Honeymoon

I am in Dallas this weekend to celebrate 6 months of marriage with Kyllan. 6 months and it has only taken me this long to do something with the video we took while on our honeymoon. It’s a lot of footage, so I will be breaking it up and posting it through out the week. Think of it as a celebration! This first video is of the two of us discussing the morning before and the events leading up to our wedding ceremony.

Wedding Reflections: Before the Ceremony from William Cody on Vimeo.

Fired Up and Ready to Vote!

Well… Super Tuesday has finally arrived in the great state of Texas. Tomorrow I get to do the “Texas Two Step”. Texas has an interesting (and somewhat complicated) process for the Democratic Party where you vote during the hours of 7am-7pm in the primary and then you return to polls after they close to vote in the caucus (half the delegates are awarded by votes in the caucus).  So.. since it is a two-step process, it has been appropriately named the Texas Two Step. I am very excited about casting my vote for Barack Obama in both the primary and the caucus. I am so glad to support a candidate I believe in and a candidate I think will best promote the interests of the working class American. I am not “blinded by his speeches” that are suppose to have me day-dreaming, but I am definitely enthusiastic about his charisma, his record as Senator, and his plans for the country (not to mention his wonderful wife Michelle that stands by his side :-)). I can’t wait to see the results of what will prove to be a pivotal day in the Democratic race. It is hard to predict what will happen tomorrow. If it is anything like the Dallas weather, you can never tell. Yesterday it was 73 degrees, and today it snowed. Yes… snowed! It will be back in the 50s tomorrow though and the 60s by Wednesday. Anyway… if you are in Texas … VOTE AND VOTE AGAIN IN THE CAUCUS! I know my family in Ohio is geared up to go to the polls tomorrow also. It is very exciting!

My husband, the hero

I just wanted to announce my husband’s heroic deed this weekend.  He walked out of his apartment on Saturday and found his neighbor franticly looking for his son.  He explained to William that his son never wandered from the apartment complex before, but was obviously very worried.  So… William being the wonderful person that he is decided to help look for his neighbor’s son.  William found the little boy playing in a ditch near the apartment.  Awwww… my husband the hero!! (I am sure William’s version of the story would be better).

Random Post #5

Sorry for the lack of post recently. Kyllan and I have been extremely busy the past couple of weeks. There hasn’t been much going on for me outside of the lab. Kyllan will be in town this weekend. We were thinking about going up to the mountains, but it looks like an experiment is going to keep us in the city. Any thoughts on must see movies in theaters or on DVD? I posted a few photos form her last visit on my Flickr page.

We have a couple of new links in our friends and family section. One of Kyllan’s line sisters started a blog a few months ago: Balancing Act. Also, the Brazile family has decided to restart their blog the Brazile Brief.

Jaguars Win!

I kept meaning to make a football post this season but never got around to it. In case you missed it, the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Dallas Cowboys  both made the playoffs this year. (There seems to have been some confusion, so let me make this clear: I always have and always will be a Jaguar fan. Kyllan is the Cowboy fair weather fan.) I meant offer everyone the chance to declare their support for the Jaguars before they defeated the Steelers in the AFC Wildcard game. Because I am feeling so generous after their win, the offer still stands. Join us now, or be considered bandwagon jumper when the Jaguars go all the way. (Pittsburgh natives, this means you!)

For my friend that fell asleep during the game, here is the recap.

Welcome 2008

Happy New Year Everyone! 2007 was a year filled with ups and downs.

We saw the blog turn 1 year old 

We saw good friends and family members succeed in their academic endeavors

We saw prayers answered again and again

We saw some awesome birthday presents

We saw good friends marry

We saw our own relationship hit the 5 year mark

and of course, we  married and had a beautiful honeymoon

We will make a post about  the amazing last few days of the year shortly. Christmas pictures are up on my flickr photostream. 2007 was a wonderful year, but Kyllan and I feel 2008 will be even better.

Almost 60 years old!!

William and I have not done a Christmas post yet, I know…. but I had to at least make a post to say Happy Birthday to my mother, Sandra.  She and my dad will be in Jacksonville tomorrow, so we will get to see them soon.  William and I arrived in Jacksonville yesterday and have a busy, but fun weekend planned including a gala tonight, wedding tomorrow, reception for us hosted by his parents on Sunday, and New Year’s Eve party on Monday.  So we will definitely be bringing in 2008 with cheer.

Anyway… more on the festivities later.

Happy Birthday Mom!!  Next year = the big one = big party! (Don’t worry… my mom is not bashful about her age… she looks much younger than she really is).