1 year old

It seems like just yesterday that I was working on a presentation and looking for a way to procrastinate. The result, of course, was the creation of The Cody Report. 365 days and 116 post later, here we are. We’ve shared birthdays, made big announcements,given tours,taught you little about our family, and shared loads of photos. With 479 comments, it appears that our friends and family have enjoyed joining in on the fun. The most commented on post? “Man Post,” of course. A response to a comment I received off-line (you know who you are) about kyllan’s many workout post. #2 Was the holiday movie post. This all started out as an experiment. A year later, I would say it has been a big success. This site will be here for many years to come and we hope you continue to visit.

So, anything to say about year one? Is the site design getting boring? I was thinking about making the links darker. Is there a particular event you would like us to recount? Should there be a reoccurring post, like “old photo Wednesday?” I was thinking of a “caption this photo contest, but never got around to it…

If you have never left a comment on the blog, nows your chance (you know who you are).

5 thoughts on “1 year old

  1. I like the blog. It helps me keep up. I also like that your posts are usually pretty short, but always full of lots of information. Great job being concise you guys.

    I think your font could be a tad bigger OR I could put on my glasses when I read. πŸ™‚

  2. Congrats on 1 year! It’s definitely kept me coming back over and over. Plus, you guys inspired me to start my own site πŸ™‚ I like the “caption this” idea, but I’m not to creative with that kind of stuff, so I’d be more of a spectator. Throw back Wednesdays with pictures would be cool too.

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